"It is not who you are that matters...It is what you do that does"

Friday, December 30, 2011

So every year people make resolutions that they never keep. Some they struggle with and do for a short time and others don't even get started. I am one of those people who have done some resolutions myself and never even started or finished. But this year I am hoping to change that (I guess that would also be a resolution, lol).But the one thing that is different this year, than previous years is some knowledge I have gained last year. That you can not start something and expect to get at your target behavior, end goal tomorrow. That it takes time. And you can not expect to start at the very top. Meaning for example if you are going to diet, you can't cut everything out in one day. And start the next day with nothing. Why??? Because then you are doomed to fail, you need to take steps, sometimes baby steps. You need to also give yourself a strong reinforcement that is going to help you reach that target goal, something that is worth it to want to change what you have been doing.

So here are my New Year resolutions (in no particular order):
1. Lose 1.5 lbs per month.
2. Keep up with this blog.
3. Study for about 10-15 minutes per day for 5 days per week for my GRE
4. Achieve better study habits- taking about 10 minutes more each day to study and really take in what I am reading.
5. Organize my scrapbook room
6. De clutter the house (meaning get rid of stuff we no longer use or haven't used in a long time). Put it up on craigslist, freecycle, goodwill, or throw away
7. Make 2-3 scrapbook pages a month (either for myself or friends or family members).
8. Make at least 3-5 cards or altered items each month
9. Start a new way of eating/exercise program (both cardio/toning) to make me a healthier me. This includes getting back on my vitamin routine and my shake routine that I use to be on.
10. A new way of thinking. Or at least putting some things into perspective. Also taking time to think about the relationships in my life, those in the past and those that are present. And trying to let go of what has hurt my heart and is still hearting my heart (and my mind). Not forgetting but maybe forgiving. This is going to be one of the hardest ones for me.
11. Read a book of interest (other than school books) 1 book at least per 1 1/2 months.
12. Send through snail mail a card, letter, note to a friend (3 per month)
13. Couple time for Kevin and I
14. Setting up schedules to get things done and following it. I have so many to do list that I never get to.
15. Reading at least 1 journal article pertaining to my field of study: Behavior Analysis. This way I can keep up to date as much as possible on new finds, research, and information. Besides, I love learning.
16. Setting up our finances better. Being able to put a little more money into our savings account. So I want to put at least $50 per paycheck into our savings account.

I tried finding things I wanted to change even if just a little that would help my mind, body, and soul. And it seems like a lot but I need to change some things, even if the change is small. You need to start somewhere.

Its all about baby steps.... small baby steps

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